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Words become a topic,
when used to describe,
a collection of words,
into a finished document.
This was what I was trying to
convey in this December 2020 writing,

Sometimes, historical events,
become a hysterical "bent",
when emotions, seize the day
and citizens, want to vent.

Talk to me about the agression,
you see in people's eyes,
just before they succumb,
and innocents dies.

What kind of world, do we live in,
when among the hues and cries,
and one side is in chaos,
while the other side dies.

Many, many years ago,
Twas when I went to sea,
when I enlisted in the
United States Navy.

Nineteen years of age,
still wet behind the ears.
Away from home, first time,
battling youthful fears.

Stationed in San Diego,
aboard a Destroyer Escort, DE.
Chipping paint and repainting,
then I went to sea.

Many years have gone by
and if the need was as then,
I would re-enlist,
once more, once again.

There Was

Posted by MFish Profile 04/12/24 at 11:37AM Share Humor See more by MFish

There was a little bit of nothing,
sitting in the road.
A small voice said, "Hey! I'm something,
My name is Alqaisis Toad."

"I'm a very small amphibian,
not much of a load,
but I know I'm something,
when I'm sitting on the road."

"Would you ever stop for me,
a stumpy amphibian, that tiptoed,
for this small amphibian,
who was sitting in the road?"

Remember to drive slowly,
when going to your abode,
for you may see small amphibians,
who like to sit on the road.