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It has been reported that 11,000 Political Groups have spent $14.7 Billion to Influence the 2024 U.S. Election. What can we do? ...We can allow to be persuaded by all the disinformation, or we can let our conscience be our guide and vote for the candidate who we would be proud to invite into our homes, talk to our family and inspire our children or grandchildren. Anything else is a compromise we cannot afford.

"Most discussions of retirement focus on the financial aspects of leaving the workforce: “How to save enough for retirement” or “How do you know if you have enough money for retirement?”
"But this might not be the biggest problem that potential retirees face. The deeper issues of meaning, relevance and identity that retirement can bring to the fore are more significant to some workers." More at The Conversation ➜

Long Grow

Posted by MFish Profile 05/07/24 at 04:25PM Family See more by MFish

Long grow the shadow,
beyond the far, away hill,
where you will find plants,
like the golden Daffodill.

A plant grown commercially,
for many a year,
but in the wilderness,
will suddenly appear.

Resulting from a Pioneer,
family who built a home,
where the wildlife was plenty,
and the buffalo would roam.

How hard it must have
been to start with nothing
and rebuild your home
comfort, safety again.

A Room Full of Goodbyes

Posted by MFish Profile 11/03/23 at 12:19PM Family See more by MFish

A room full of goodbyes
is what I see, in the Memory
Care facility, as family members,
come to visit loved ones.
A sadness permeates the air,
as small white lies are delivered,
by those leaving.
See you next week or I'll be back
to see you soon.
An unsavory situation? No, just
a way to say your goodbye to
a loved one.

The Wrong Direction

Posted by MFish Profile 07/02/23 at 10:29PM Family See more by MFish

What has happened
to the one I love.
Why is she this way,
forsaken by God above?

Who would treat their
children in this way?
No one I know, but
still, they will say,

Trust in God,
in every way,
things will get better,
believe, hope and pray.

I am sorry, I cannot.
No longer will I be,
a believer in you.
A false God I see.

As part of a growing national dialogue around hospice abuse, trade groups and government watchdog agencies are pushing regulators to make changes.
Last week, the four largest hospice trade associations jointly sent a detailed memo of policy proposals to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which regulates the end-of-life care benefit. Their 34 recommendations, which span eight pages, directly address the alarming business practices outlined by a recent ProPublica-New Yorker investigation...... Read more


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