I am sitting at a bar
in Yokosuka Japan, having a beer,
when someone runs in, yelling
with a shout of "Fire" or words like that.
Everyone, immediately runs outside to see,
what all the commotion is about.
There is a fire in the building next door.
The buildings are all wood, tinder dry.
I'm sure I must have had a few drinks.
Being in the Navy and in my dress blues;
before I knew it, I was on the roof
in a "bucket brigade." A bucket of water
was passed along the line of strangers.
We moved those buckets, as fast as we could,
trying to protect dry wooden building.
After about an hour or so, the fire was out.
I turned to go and a Japanese man,
grabbed my hand and said "Thank you"
and pulled me back to the bar. A nice
drink was had and I returned to my ship.
We were on "Cinderella Liberty", over at 12.
This event is not something I think about
often, but reminds me that we are all human,
regardless of race, religion or nationality.
When we are in trouble we can work
together, Novel idea.