Back aways, late Fall, 1959, there was a place,
a tavern, which catered to the locals. Etta, was
the proprietor, owner, all around worker in this
small community, tavern. She was a short woman,
about 50 years old, not tiny but of a substantial,
size. I won't attempt to estimate her weight. She
was someone that was sought out in this area,
not only for her great sense of humor but also,
because she handled all her customers in a fashion,
both efficient and helpful. A well-known person, in this
small community. If a stranger came in, they may have,
found her gruff, but inside she had a heart of gold.
I enjoyed going there, for an occasional beer and to hear,
from others what was going on in the community. This was
during my early college years, before getting married, as I
was still living at home. I still remember this place and after
I had moved away, when I returned to see my parents, I
would make a quick trip to say hello to Etta and to have a
wee sip.
Unfortunately, this location burnt down, several years ago. The
rumor was Arson, but nothing came of the investigation. Now,
I reflect about Etta. A great woman who kept us young men
in line and always dispensed advice in a loving way.
I miss you Etta, very much and thank you for your efforts in
guiding my view about the good in people. God Speed, Etta.