Menehune are a mythological race of Dwarf people,
in Hawaiian tradition, who are said to live in the
deep forests and hidden valleys of the Hawaiian
Islands, hidden and far away from human settlements.
They built temples, fishponds, roads and homes.
Here is a story told to me by a gentleman from Lanai.
When I was a young child, age 12, I was in the hills of
Lanai when I spotted something in a brush patch.
I walked casually, forward to this patch and met a small
Menehune, who I found was also 12 years old. I was of
short stature, about 3 feet tall and the Menehune, was shorter.
I estimated he may have been 2 feet tall.
We talked for a while, then he said he had to go. I never saw him
again, until I was about 60 years old. Fate stepped in and
I met him once more. He was still 2 feet tall and didn't appear
to have aged. I recall my father saying, the Menehune, grew,
at a slower rate than humans and didn't age like the rest of us.
I am much older now, living at a retirement home in the Seattle area.
I hope to return to Lanai to see if my Menehune friend will be at the
same place, I last saw him.
A Comment by Loy
I hope so too!