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It's three AM
and here I am,
a very tired;
tired old man.
Why can't I sleep,
through another long night,
as I sit and scribe
all these words, so trite.
Writing of a sadness,
is what I now do,
as I think of my friends,
like you and like you.
Is it worth it,
having a sleepless night,
while writing these words,
with no plan in sight?
I hope it is, I really do
for I write for me
and I write for you.

From the back corners
of this constrained mind,
comes old memories,
entwined with cobwebs
and brain dust, in all
the nooks and crannies.
Being on the narrow edge
of my own insanity.
This mind is cluttered,
words need to be
scraped free from views
of long, past positions,
to update the way
and think of love.
Don't dwell on the hate.
Re-use the words.
Find a new way
to continue your writing
and say, my life is better
at least on this day.

The words which I write on paper for you,
can come easy. On other days hard to do.
My mind runs in circles and colors of blue,
Red, Brown, Green and Yellow to name a few..
When I write, I have no thought in mind,
for I write the words; words which will rhyme.
I wish I could tell you my feelings today,
but the words fall to paper; that's where they lay.

A Comment by Carl

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Carl • 03/12/2021 at 07:00PM • Like 1 Profile
