Memories, of early days,
early morning on the Tolt.
by Carnation.
Memories, of early days,
early morning on the Tolt.
by Carnation.
The entry of the Tolt
into the Snoqualmie
is graceful, beauty
and marks the place,
I have chosen,
for my days adventure.
River mist, rising,
obscures, the far bank,
giving ghostly aura
to the fishermen,
across the river.
I step into, the swift
flowing current
and feel the icy cold, water,
swirling around my legs.
The weight of my body
presses into the sandy bottom
and the waters motion,
forces the sand from under foot.
I feel my feet slipping,
settling to the rocks below.
Serene is my feeling.
I am alone for the moment.