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The Sun Reflected, (A Fantasy)

Posted by MFish Profile 12/19/23 at 09:42PM Other See more by MFish

The Sun reflected off the Pond's mirrored surface,
as I thought about you.
My memories, come and go, so I feel fortunate
to recall the time, we first met.

Sitting in a lounge, alone, thinking about the
morrow and the business calls facing me.
I was travelling for my Company, in a capacity
requiring me to measure each unit's operational

I saw you enter, alone, sitting at a small table.
Why didn't she sit at the bar, crossed my mind,
but thought she was meeting someone. I noticed
no one had joined her.

I hesitated before approaching you. I was lonely
and hoped I would find someone to talk with.
I was not seeking romance, as I had lost my wife
recently and was still uncertain if I could talk to
anyone without breaking down.

I approached the table and you smiled. "May I join
You?", was my question. We began talking about
our lives, joys, and sorrows. Talking about our life
events and how we feel now, in this new environment of
We ended taking contact information and sought
a new relationship where we could learn about each
other, to decide if we wish to pursue further.

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