Against the wind,
a song by Bob Segar.
Dealing with changes
as we mature.
In many ways, I feel
I am going "Against
the Wind" as I travail
the battle of dealing
with my wife's Dementia
Alzheimer disease.
Once a beautiful person,
with quick wit, personality
and very intelligent.
She now has difficulty in
conversations, as she attempts
to communicate with me.
No short-term memory.
Long term memory, for
the most part is not there.
She does not know the
name of any articles, from
cup to remote. Does not
know where the bathroom is,
let alone what to do. Yet,
she will tell me how much
she loves me and how she
needs to be near me, all
of the time.
What a lonely existence it
must be where she is, today.
She calls me her husband,
Daddy or her man, but does
not know my name.
I'm ok with that as the love
she professes is soothing to me.
I have been living with her
in a Memory Care facility
and am about to move out,
so, I can get some sleep.
What will that do to her?
I don't know but I know
I need sleep if I am to be
with her.