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The talk of War with China,
with the involvement of the respective
Navy of China and the USA. Still an
issue as we rattle our sabers.
Ships similar to the one I served on
will be in the forefront, if there is indeed
a Naval Engagement, with China.
I sincerely hope that doesn't happen.

Reality stepped up,
slapping me in the face,
when I realized, I'd gone
into a different place.

Given a prognosis,
of months to live,
begs the question,
what else can I give?

Been told
3 to 4 months left.
When I think of that,
maybe someone is bereft,

not because of fear,
because I feel so good.
What will happen,
perhaps I will be understood.

Will there be a time,
when you will talk to me?
I would like to help,
that may never be.

I'm not Psychic,
and I won't guess.
You need to tell me,
I can do the rest.

You have become,
very important to me,
for your like a daughter,
who I now see.

Please talk to me,
for you will see,
a better story
especially for thee,

A Comment by Yelena

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Yelena • 07/26/2024 at 04:51AM • Like Profile

Stay strong🕊️

Sometimes a question,
should be asked, especially,
during times of loneliness.
If only an hour, or a day,
helps to keep boredom away

At one time in my life,
I was asking my granddaughter to,
quit riding the exercise bike, from the front.
I asked several times. She turned, placing her
hands on her hips and said, "Grandpa, I Quit you."

It was hard not to laugh.
Now I say to her,
"Don't quit on grandpa"
stay with me, when you can,
for without you,
I am just an ordinary man.

Too many lies,
I've heard you say.
Leave me alone,
please go away.

You need to step up.
Act like a man.
Wipe away your tears.
Start anew, you can.

You're hard to be around,
with negative ways,
of reliving a life,
which is gone away.

You must start again.
Starting it now.
It will be hard but,
please make a vow.

Once upon a time
there was a man,
who thought he would,
live forever.

Forever, is not quantifiable,
therefore, it was not ad infinitum.
What once was a lifetime,
becomes short when you are told,
you have three to four months to live.

A hard reality, yet it now is my destiny
to fight this Stage 4, Pancreatic cancer,
with all means, positive attitude, support
and most importantly, not tire and quit.
I will not go gently into the good night.

A Comment by Yelena

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Yelena • 07/20/2024 at 06:52AM • Like 1 Profile

PSALM 139. ❤️

No one has said,
Life will be easy.
No one has said,
Life will be hard.

Please tell me,
why I can no longer,
play in your yard?
Must I act, stronger?

To deliver, the time,
for the coming day,
must I now flee
and soon runaway?

Do you understand,
what life is about?
It's not aways a whisper,
but is often a shout.

Sometimes, I think
of all of the inanity,
as I experience, walking
on the edge of insanity.

One moment alone,
is all I ask, to be with you.
To see the smile on your face,
and those brown eyes, too.

So many years we lived together,
in good times, bad times never,
oft forgotten as we would make up,
and be the loving couple forever

A Comment by Susie

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Susie • 07/19/2024 at 07:53PM • Like 1 Profile



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