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A Hand

Posted by MFish Profile 07/18/24 at 10:17PM Share Humor See more by MFish

A hand protruded from
the base of the wall.
Strange I said,
Is that all?

It appears to be,
that way for sure.
What was he thinking,
how did he endure?

It was easier,
than you might think,
when you are stuck,
beneath the sink.

Under the sink,
did you say?
He was alone working,
he wasn't at play.

What does this have to do
with the hand protruding
from the wall? I must
now tell you, nothing at all.


Posted by MFish Profile 07/17/24 at 10:14PM Share Humor See more by MFish

Driving down the highway,
going lickety split,
I felt a bump, as if
it was something I hit.

I stopped the car,
as quick as I could.
Feeling awkward, I saw,
I had misunderstood.

Out in the highway,
in the middle of the road,
there stood a species,
of an orange, spotted Toad.

"Why did you hit me?"
the toad began to speak.
I looked and said,
oh, you orange, spotted geek.

Why were you in the roadway,
when you should have been in the bog?
Don't worry about me he said,
I'm not your ugly dog.

"Here’s some good news for you beleaguered gun right advocates: now you can buy your ammo from a vending machine. No need to haul down to your local gun dealer for bullets, just wheel up to the conveniently placed dispenser in your local chain grocery store. Course, at this time the only states where they’re located is Texas, Oklahoma and Alabama but you can rest assure American Rounds, the distributor, will expand exponentially until it reaches your very own Safeway". ...More at The Skeeter Daddle Diaries ➜


Posted by MFish Profile 07/03/24 at 10:25PM Share Humor See more by MFish

As a young man,
with more fantasies
than one should,
in the Eyes of God.