One again I am in the trees,
The snow here is up to my knees.
Our Jeep is high centered, you see
And our answer is to use a "Come along"
Winch, that requires a tree or a stump.
Slowly we move, one click at a time,
Pulling the Jeep over the snow hump.
Next stop, is a lineman's shack,
Which will provide shelter and warmth.
In the morning we rise early,
As we must find those elusive Elk,
Out in the woods we do ramble.
Quickly we are in this very big thicket
Of small trunked trees,
When I hear the noise, like that of a train.
A herd of Elk have decided to move,
Through these same trees.
Did we see them? No but hear them we did.
Another failed hunt, on this Winter day,
No meat tonight, as they got away.