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Posted by MFish Profile 02/11/19 at 02:30PM Other See more by MFish

In the Navy, sometime , long ago,
my shipmate had a car, that ran.
A Hudson Hornet, was my recall.
Can't remember the year or exactly when,
Driving to Washington State from San Diego.
We drove up a two lane road,
No street lights or buildings were about,
When suddenly the headlights went out.
There was no moonlight, to help us see,
So we applied the brakes very readily.
One thing of note, when you can't see,
You think you have stopped but no,
The car was still moving, on the go.
Such a surprise when you open the
Door to get out and you were still
Moving. Yikes, we stopped and left the car.
We found the fuse box and replaced the fuse
And the lights came back on so we continued
Our journey, not stopping to sleep but
We were taking No Doze, pills to stay awake.
Not the smartest thing to do as objects
Would appear to have an aura or halo about them.
We managed to drive through to Ellensburg where my
Friend then returned to his home in Grandview.
We were only there over the weekend and
He was going to pick me up for our ride,
Back to San Diego.

To be continued.

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