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A 1953 "prophecy for the future of the telephone" || by Mark R. Sullivan

Posted by Between the Lines Profile 08/18/21 at 05:45PM History Quotes See more by Between the Lines

"Just what form the future telephone will take is, of course, pure speculation. Here is my prophecy: In its final development, the telephone will be carried about by the individual, perhaps as we carry a watch today. It probably will require no dial or equivalent, and I think the users will be able to see each other, if they want, as they talk. Who knows but what it may actually translate from one language to another?"

Mark R. Sullivan (1896 - 1985), He started with the Pacific Company, part of the Bell System as a traffic clerk in 1912 and rose to lead as President and Director of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. until 1945 .He later led another firm, Potomac Telephone Companies.As for The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, would go on to be known as Pacific Bell (aka PacBell) and was part of a set of companies acquired by AT&T. Mark Sullivan later led another firm, the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Companies, Washington, D.C. from 1945 to 1947.

From an address given on April 9, 1953, quoted in The Kingston Daily Freeman -  April 10, 1953; and in The Tacoma News Tribune, April 11, 1953

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