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What heart could have thought you?—
Past our devisal
(O filigree petal!)
Fashioned so purely,
Fragilely, surely,
From what Paradisal
Imagineless metal,
Too costly for cost?
Who hammered you, wrought you,
From argentine vapour?—
“God was my shaper.
Passing surmisal,
He hammered, He wrought me,
From curled silver vapour,
To lust of His mind;—
Thou could’st not have thought me!
So purely, so palely,
Tinily, surely,
Mightily, frailly,
Insculped and embossed,
With His hammer of wind,
And His graver of frost.”

Francis Joseph Thompson (1859 – 1907) was an English poet and Catholic mystic. He entered medical school at the age of 18, but at 26 left home to pursue his talent as a poet and writer and poet. He spent three years on the streets of London, supporting himself with menial labor. He become addicted to opium which he took to relieve a nervous problem. His first volume, "Poems" was published, in 1893. he began writing prose in 1897. His fragile health continued to deteriorate and he died of tuberculosis in 1907. 

This poem was published in 1897 and it is in the Public Domain.

Frail children of sorrow, dethroned by a hue,
The shadows are flecked by the rose sifting through,
The world has its motion, all things pass away;
No night is omnipotent, there must be day!

The oak tarries long in the depths of the seed
But swift is the season of nettle and weed,
Abide yet awhile in the mellowing shade
And rise with the hour for which you were made.

The cycle of seasons, the tidals of man,
Revolve in the orb of the infinite plan;
We move to the rhythm of ages long done,
And each has his hour — to dwell in the sun!

Georgia Douglas Johnson (1880 – 1966), American poet and playwright, music teacher and school principal, born in Atlanta, Georgia. She was an important figure of the Harlem Renaissance and one of the earliest female African-American playwiters. She published her first poems in 1916 in the NAACP’s magazine Crisis where she wrote a weekly column, “Homely Philosophy,” from 1926 to 1932. Douglas Johnson also wrote plays, and four collections of poetry: The Heart of  a Woman (1918). Bronze (1922) and An Autumn Love Cycle (1928), and Share My World (1962). More


The night has a thousand eyes,
     And the day but one;
Yet the light of the bright world dies
      With the dying sun.

The mind has a thousand eyes,
    And the heart but one:
Yet the light of a whole life dies
    When love is done.

Francis William Bourdillon (1852 - 1921) was a British poet, translator and a bibliophile. Bourdillon is known for his poetry, and in particular, for the single short poem "The Night Has a Thousand Eyes". He had many poem collections and essays published, including three smaller volumes of verse published anonymously at Oxford between 1891 and 1894.

Photo credit: RezaAskarii

It is said that before entering the sea
a river trembles with fear.

She looks back at the path she has traveled,
from the peaks of the mountains,
the long winding road crossing forests and villages.

And in front of her,
she sees an ocean so vast,
that to enter
there seems nothing more than to disappear forever.

But there is no other way.
The river can not go back.

Nobody can go back.
To go back is impossible in existence.

The river needs to take the risk
of entering the ocean
because only then will fear disappear,
because that’s where the river will know
it’s not about disappearing into the ocean,
but of becoming the ocean.

Khalil Gibran (1883 - 1931) Lebanese-American poet, writer, visual artist and also considered a philosopher by some. He was born into a poor Maronite Christian family in the village of Bsharri in what was then the Ottoman Empire and is now Lebanon. Educated in Beirut, Boston, and Paris. He was the author of The Prophet, The Broken Wings, Beloved, The Three Ants and many others (His name is sometimes spelled Kahlil)

This poem is in the public domain.

"She had blue skin,
And so did he.
He kept it hid
And so did she.
They searched for blue
Their whole life through,
Then passed right by—
And never knew."

Sheldon Allan “Shel” Silverstein (1930 - 1999) was an American poet, cartoonist, singer-songwriter, screenwriter, and children books author. His work has been translated into more than 30 languages and his books have sold over 20 million copies. Among his most memorable books are: "Where the Sidewalk Ends (1974), The Missing Piece (1976). After the 1970's, Silverstein continue releasing memorable children’s titles, among them A Light in the Attic (1981), and The Missing Piece Meets the Big O (1981).

“Masks”  tells the story of two wandering souls who never find each other because of their failure to show themselves as they truly were. Source: from Silverstein's book of poems called Everything On It. A collection of poems  published posthumously by Harper and Row Publishers in 2011.

Still the Same

Posted by MFish Profile 08/23/24 at 11:20PM Poetry See more by MFish

Fighting insanity,
every day,
as my life,
slips away.

I feel good,
is what to know,
for my life is my
own traveling show.

How it will end
everyone will know
for I may well be
the next one to go.

A Simple Poem

Posted by MFish Profile 08/22/24 at 10:02PM Poetry See more by MFish

A simple poem,
it means so much,
for I may have
lost my writing touch.

A Comment by Loy

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Loy • 08/24/2024 at 05:42PM • Like 1 Profile

You’ve still got it!

A Comment by MFish

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MFish • 08/24/2024 at 10:57PM • Like Profile

Thank you. I've begun questioning my ability to writel

Of Love

Posted by MFish Profile 08/21/24 at 11:18PM Poetry See more by MFish

Of love
and loss,
of a soul,
such as she.
What happens
now, when her
soul is free.

Life is Short

Posted by MFish Profile 08/20/24 at 02:24PM Poetry See more by MFish

Life is short,
full of many treasures now.
Times change and here you are,
unable to maintain your vow.

She is gone,
away from thee.
You will never more,
her face to see.

Loneliness becomes
a part of your life,
for you no longer have,
your beautiful wife.

I miss you,
my darling soul,
but will soon be there,
and we'll be whole.

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