Public Posts
As Our World Turns - September 7, 2023
• 09/07/23 at 09:44PM •Climate Facts -
According to the World Meteorological Organization, the earth’s Northern Hemisphere has experienced its hottest summer ever with a record warm August capping a season of brutal and deadly temperatures. Some of the effects of this trend include recent extreme weather patterns causing major damage worldwide including in the U.S.
Government Action -
Senator Mike Braun has introduced a bill to ban federal mask mandates for domestic air travel, public transit systems, and primary, secondary and post-secondary schools. The bill is led by J.D. Vance and Senator Braun is a cosponsor along with Senator Josh Hawley and Eric Schmitt.
.... May God Help us all
A painful but true Russian joke tweeted by Garry Kasparov earlier this year:
“War is a calculated and condoned slaughter of human beings.”
• 02/28/22 at 01:00PM •Henry John Patch (1898 – 2009), dubbed in his later years "the Last Fighting Tommy", was an English supercentenarian, briefly the oldest man in Europe, and the last surviving combat soldier of the First World War from any country to have fought in the trenches. More
”By Happenstance a President, in Heart a Buffon” ---- Good Riddance, Donald T
• 01/20/21 at 12:30AM •Apologies for paraphrasing Tennyson
The Republicans who voted to overturn the election || Reuters
• 01/07/21 at 05:00PM •J"ust hours after the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, 147 Republicans lawmakers voted to overturn then-president Donald Trump’s election loss, following months of his baseless claims that the November U.S. election had been stolen."
"Since then, remarkably few have been willing to state clearly on the record whether they believe Trump was cheated by widespread voter fraud" More at Reuters ➜
"He wantonly tears at the fabric of our democracy without care or concern for the destruction he causes. Cultural divides, racial unrest, economic disparity and constitutional abuses are just tools to be used to feed his narcissism, advance his political ambitions and line his pockets" ..... "Trump or America,” she wrote. “We cannot have both.” .... Read the complete article on USA Today
The best one could say is that it is another demonstration of carelessness. Read the Politico article
A Comment by Loy

A Comment by MFish

Not surprised.
Mr. President, you talk big right now but you must know that the overwhelming majority of the citizens of our country, believe you have failed us in so many many ways that sometimes we think it is nothing but a bad dream. You continue to do all you can to divide us and to create turmoil. For most of us now, it is not about politics anymore, it is about the survival of our country, our freedoms, the well being of our families, and the future of our children and future generations.
As I see it. the time has come for you to consider one of these three alternatives:
- Resign now. Make up a story, you are good at that. About 40% of the people may believe it
- Declare that you will not seek or accept another term (see making up a story above)
- Run for another term and get ready to be defeated by a landslide “the likes of which has never been seen before”
You get to decide Mr. President. I hope you make the right decision for our country.