All those who are interested in learning Dot Net can attend and participate in this workshop.
Don't miss this Golden Opportunity, Agile Group of Companies is Organizing A FREE Certified Workshop on DOT NET in Ahmedabad.
If you have an interest in DOT NET Technology, we recommend you don’t miss this workshop. Come be a part of an interactive FREE SESSION and Workshop will be conducted by the Industry Experts.
The certificate will be provided at the end of the workshop session.
Date: December 13th, 2019
Time: 04:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Venue: Agile Group of Companies, 202, Abhishree Avenue, Above Axis Bank, Opp Hanumanji Temple, Nr. Nehrunagar Circle, Ahmedabad-380015.
It’s a free workshop but you have to register for it, without registration you cannot attend this workshop. Complete your registration by filling this Form: https://tinyurl.com/vobepjq or you can also Book Your seats by contacting us at 9081335883 / 6353746330
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