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Get the Best Diwali Dhamaka Offers on Job-Oriented IT Courses at Agile Academy.

So many websites and applications, So many discounts may mean you are confused about which one will provide you the best. But If you are looking forward to step up your career in IT then Grab your Golden Chance during Great Diwali Offers at Agile Academy.

Start your New Year by Learning Best IT Courses and Get your dream job in Top IT Companies in India. Book Your Seats Now and Get a FLAT 2000 RS OFF on First 10 Admissions. After the First 10 Admissions, Others will get the benefit of Upto 15% Discount on ALL IT TRAINING COURSES.

The Offer is valid From 27th October 2020 to 11th November 2020 Only. So, This is the Golden Opportunity for you so, Don't Miss This Chance. Register now to get the Bumper Diwali Dhamaka Offer.

Have a Doubt? Call our Counselor anytime at 6353746330 or also can visit at

Agile Academy, the Best IT Training Institute brings something that can change your life. As festivals are nearing, this could be the right time to offer discounts on our IT Courses!

And Yes, we have slashed our course fees, and now you may enroll for any course and Get a FLAT 2000 RS OFF on the First 10 Admissions.
After the First 10 Admissions, Others will get the benefit of Upto 15% Discount on ALL IT TRAINING COURSES.

The Offer is valid From 27th October 2020 to 11th November 2020 Only. So, This is the Golden Opportunity for you so, Don't Miss This Chance.
Register now to get the Bumper Diwali Dhamaka Offer.

Grab the offer before it closes. Enjoy this Diwali with our Discount Offers. For any further details, please call us at- 6353746330 or Visit our website:

Searching for the Best Project Training Institute?

Don’t Worry students, visit Agile Academy which is the Best IT Training Institute provides the Certified Project Training to Final Year Students of BE, B.Tech, BCA, Bsc IT, ME, MCA, M.Tech, Msc IT, Diploma Students, and other IT Students.

Doing your Final Year Project at Agile Academy not only gives you knowledge on Real-Time Project implementation but also helps you to equip yourselves for the corporate industry.
We provide training in different technologies like Android, Java, PHP, IOS, Python, .Net, and Angular.

After Completing Final Year Project Training, you will be provided Project Completion Certificate with 100% Job Placement in the Top IT Companies.
For more details, you can contact us anytime at 6353746330 or also can visit at

#projecttraining #projectbasedtraining #finalyearprojecttraining #finalyearprojecttraininginstitute #finalyearprojecttrainingcenter #finalyearstudents #collegestudents #engineeringstudents #itstudents #certifiedtraining #jobplacement

IoT is the network that allows physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items to connect and reduced human intervention.

As the world is speedily moving nearer to IoT, the need for trained IOT professionals is on the increase. If you are searching for IoT Training Institutes then your search ends at the Agile Academy which is named as the Best IOT Training Institute in Ahmedabad.

At Agile Academy, the training is provided through Live Projects by the Professional and the Experienced Developers of their parent company Agile Infoways Pvt. Ltd and the entire IoT Training Course is designed by them as per the current industry trends.

After completing the course you will be offered 100% Job Placement in Top Multinational IT Companies. For any inquiry, you can contact us through +91 6353746330 or visit at

#Training #Trainingcenter #Traininginstitute #ITtraining #ITtraininginstitute #ITtrainingcenter #ITcourse #ITtrainingcourse #IoT #iottechnology #internetofthings #IoTtraining #IoTtrainingcourse #Liveprojecttraining #Jobplacement

Software Testing is a process of identifying bugs, if you are interested in learning Software Testing from Basic then you can join Agile Academy which is one of the Best Software Testing Training Institute where you will learn unique testing methodologies.

In our Software Testing Training Course, we cover Full Manual Testing, Functional Automation Testing using QTP, use test management, and bug management tools which is helpful to the fresher, students or individuals.
Agile Academy not only provides Software Testing Training but also offers Training with Job Placement. We train the students through Live Projects and gives Guaranteed 100% Job Placement in Top Multinational IT Companies.

For any inquiry about Software Testing Courses, you can contact us through +91 6353746330 or visit at

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Today Python is a highly demanding programming language as compared to other programming languages.
And the reason behind is that python is very easy to learn and understand along with the proper guidance and training, students can become expert in this programming language.

If you are looking for the Python Training in Ahmedabad then your search for the Best Python Training Institute will end with Agile Academy.
Our training center provides both online and classroom from which the candidate can choose the mode they require and we also offer training with Real-Time Projects and 100% Job Placement in the Top IT Companies.

After completing training from our institute, you will be provided with the Training Completion Certificate.
This is the best time to Grab the Opportunity, so Get Enroll Today for the Certified Python Training Course in Ahmedabad.
To know more details call us today at +91 6353746330 or you can also visit at
#training #traininginstitute #trainingcenter #ittraining #ittrainingcenter #ittraininginstitute #ittraininginstituteinahmedabad #python #pythonprogramming #pythonlearning #pythonprogramminglanguage #pythontraining #pythontraininginstitute #pythontrainingcourse #pythondevelopment #agileacademy #besttrainingprovider #besttraininginstitute #bestittraininginstitute #liveprojecttraining #liveprojecttraininginahmedabad #professionaltrainers #experiencedtrainers #jobplacementassistance #jobplacementguarantee #100percentjobplacement #100percentjobguarantee #ahmedabad #gujarat #india

PHP is an open-source programming language that is used for developing effective web pages and applications. It is also named as a service-side scripting language.

Nowadays, there are many Training Institutes that provide PHP Training but, if you are in search of the Best PHP Training Institute in Ahmedabad then your search ends here.

Agile Academy is named as one of the leading PHP Training Institute in India, where the PHP Training Course is designed by our Professional Trainers, who have the experience of more than 10 years in teaching PHP, MY SQL, and other IT Courses.

PHP Classes in our training center consists of both theories as well as practicals on Live Projects. After completing the training, we provide 100% Job Placements in Big IT Companies with the Course Completion Certificate.

So what are you waiting for, Get Enroll today at Agile Academy for PHP Training in Ahmedabad. If you are still confused, then visit our center now for the Free Demo class before you start training.

For any inquiry, you can call us anytime at +91 6353746330 or visit us at
#training #traininginstitute #trainingcenter #ittraining #ittrainingcenter #ittraininginstitute #ittraininginstituteinahmedabad #php #phpprogramming #phpdevelopment #phptraining #phptraininginstitute #phptrainingcourse #phptrainingclass #phpersonaltrainer #phptrainingacademy #phptrainingahmedabad #phptraininginstituteinindia #agileacademy #besttrainingprovider #besttraininginstitute #bestittraininginstitute #liveprojecttraining #liveprojecttraininginahmedabad #professionaltrainers #experiencedtrainers #jobplacementassistance #jobplacementguarantee #100percentjobplacement

Java is in high demand in Today's IT Industry, want to know how? Attend our upcoming workshop on Java with Spring Boot Framework in Ahmedabad. This is the Best Chance for you to understand what actually Java is and also you will learn more about the latest trends in the Java Spring Boot Framework. Don’t miss the opportunity! This could be a career upgrade you were looking for…Mark your calendars and Register your seats now at

Registration Fee: 300 rs Per Student with Lunch

Date: 18th January 2020

Time: 10:00 AM TO 4:00 PM (6 Hours)

Contact : 9081335883 / 6353746330

Venue: Agile Group of Companies, 202, Abhishree Avenue, Above Axis Bank, Opp Hanumanji Temple, Nr. Nehrunagar Circle, Ahmedabad-380015

#workshop #certifiedworkshop #seminar #workshopinahmedabad #ahmedabadworkshop #upcomingworkshop #java #javascript #javaprogramming #javadevelopment #javaworkshop #javaspringboot #javatraining #javatraininginstitute #javatrainingcenter #goldenopportunity #dontmissthisevent #dontmissthischance #registerforworkshop #getregistered #getregisterednow #getregisteredtoday #bookyourseats #bookyourseatsnow #bookyourseatstoday

All those who are interested in learning Dot Net can attend and participate in this workshop.

Don't miss this Golden Opportunity, Agile Group of Companies is Organizing A FREE Certified Workshop on DOT NET in Ahmedabad.

If you have an interest in DOT NET Technology, we recommend you don’t miss this workshop. Come be a part of an interactive FREE SESSION and Workshop will be conducted by the Industry Experts.

The certificate will be provided at the end of the workshop session.

Date: December 13th, 2019

Time: 04:00 pm to 06:00 pm

Venue: Agile Group of Companies, 202, Abhishree Avenue, Above Axis Bank, Opp Hanumanji Temple, Nr. Nehrunagar Circle, Ahmedabad-380015.

It’s a free workshop but you have to register for it, without registration you cannot attend this workshop. Complete your registration by filling this Form: or you can also Book Your seats by contacting us at 9081335883 / 6353746330

#workshop #freeworkshop #seminar #freeseminar #freeseminar2019 #certifiedworkshop #workshopinahmedabad #dotnet #dotnettechnology #aspdotnet #dotnetdevelopment #vbdotnet #adodotnet #dotnetmvc #dotnetprogramming #goldenopportunity #dontmissthisevent #dontmissthischance #registerforfree #registerforworkshop #getregistered #getregisterednow #getregisteredtoday #bookyourseats #bookyourseatsnow #bookyourseatstoday

Enroll before 10th November for one of our course and Grab the opportunity of Special Discount up to 2000rs on all IT Courses that you need to light up your career. Dive into our courses page to know which course would be suitable for you to build your career. This is the Golden Opportunity for you. Don't miss this chance. In addition, we provide a Silver Coin for First 50 Registrations, Training Completion Certificate once you are done with the course as well as 100% Job Guarantee and Unlimited Interviews. so that students feel secure for their career.
If you are still confused, call our career counselor today at 6353746330/9081335883 or visit our site at and get tips on your suitable courses to choose from.

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