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A Comment by Loy

Peggy's Cove
• 09/05/19 at 01:30PM •Peggy's Cove Fishing Village
You may come for the famous lighthouse, but there’s lots more here to see - and to the sea. Waves exploding around ocean-swept rocks (don’t get too close!), wooden houses perched along the narrow inlet, the famous gingerbread at the Sou’Wester Restaurant, the arts & crafts stores scattered among the fishing shacks, and the homemade ice-cream at Dee Dee’s.
Catherine Rose Photography

Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia | Photo by Catherine Rose Photography
• 03/18/19 at 08:15PM •https://www.facebook.com/cathe...
Featured by www.kudos365.com/photoshare
A Comment by My Take....
