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Brackish the mind,
full of anguish and pain
of a losing of life.
How much time will remain
to relieve these moments,
by trying to explain
to one without reason,
whose forgotten your name?

A Comment by Loy

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Loy • 03/08/2022 at 05:00PM • Like Profile

but she knows she loves you...

A Comment by MFish

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MFish • 03/08/2022 at 05:12PM • Like Profile

That she does, Loy.

A barren plain of sorrow,
is my life's path unchosen,
as I trudge towards the morrow,
of broken dreams, memories lost.
Life was special but isn't now.
Is she about to embark
on this painful journey?
I sit beside her,
she is alone, in her mind.
Providing comfort to her,
reducing the worry,
is my new task.
I cannot bear the thought
of her mental burden,
being this painful for her.
She doesn't remember,
but I still do.
The sadness is destroying me.

I visit my wife, most every day.
Going in early afternoon
and leaving after helping her to bed.
Last night she was confused. Not
knowing what to do. The first time
I have seen this behavior.
No concept of where to go or
what to do next.
She comments, "I'm alone. I need
to be with you."
I believe I now understand. She is
a young girl, in her mind, with no
memory and is mentally alone.
This must frighten her,
when she sits, a broken shell,
from her life before,
but still clinging to the love
she knew.

It Ran Cold

Posted by MFish Profile 03/06/22 at 12:43AM Share Government See more by MFish

It ran cold,
it ran hard,
towards the freedom,
it once had.
Being taken away,
while the World watched.
Where does it end?
What do we do,
to protect the lives
of the innocent child?
Cowardice, is a name
you often hear,
as Nations stand by
and do not take action,
to stop the maniacal
conduct of those
committing war crimes.
Stop it now, before it is
too late and other nations
exercise abuse of
Sovereign nation.