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"On an evening in December 2023, 43-year-old small business owner Sarah Rosenkranz collapsed in her home in Granbury, Texas and was rushed to the emergency room. Her heart pounded 200 beats per minute; her blood pressure spiked into hypertensive crisis; her skull throbbed. “It felt like my head was in a pressure vise being crushed,” she says. “That pain was worse than childbirth.”.. " More at TIME ➜

On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence to announce the colonies' separation from the Kingdom of Great Britain, bringing a new nation into the world. Although the Constitution provides the legal and governmental framework for the United States, the Declaration, with its eloquent assertion “all Men are created equal,” is the founding document of the United States.
It is now up to us, as our laws evolve in fact and interpretation, to remain vigilant and not allow anyone, to exploit our natural differences, beliefs, opinions and backgrounds to divide us for their own selfish benefit.   More

"I recently had the pleasure of (virtually) sitting down with Madiba K. Dennie to talk about her new book, The Originalism Trap: How Extremists Stole the Constitution and How We the People Can Take It Back.” Read More at Public Notice ➜  

Fix the Court "unveiled a list of the gifts the U.S. Supreme Court justices have received over the years, and the numbers are staggering: in the last two decades (Jan. 2004-Dec. 2023), the justices have accepted 344 gifts valued at $2,993,036."
"If one includes another 101 gifts that Justice Thomas likely received over those 20 years — mostly comprising free trips to and free stays at Bohemian Grove and Topridge worth $1,787,684 — that number jumps to 445 gifts valued at $4,780,720." More at Fix the Court ➜

State supreme court races have become pivotal in current legal battles over issues including abortion, elections, education, the environment and LGBTQ rights. With more than 80 state supreme court seats up for election this year in 33 states, voters have the potential to shape the future of their states for years to come. ......That is, if they actually get to choose who joins the court. More at The Conversation ➜

"Although service members know they may lose their lives in combat in service of their country, they may not expect to lose their lives – or those they love – to suicide. A 2021 study estimated that four times as many active duty service members and veterans died by suicide as died in battle since 9/11". More at The Conversation➜

"What lead-tainted Lunchables reveal about the persistent threat of lead exposure. Lead keeps showing up where it’s not supposed to be...In 2024, one of the most potent neurotoxins known to humanity persists all over the world as a public health threat. For the third time in six months, lead contamination in food products has put public health authorities on high alert in the wealthiest nation in the world." More at VOX ➜

French President Emmanuel Macron, in a speech delivered at the Sorbonne University in Paris, urged Europe to find its own path and warned "That the European Union needs to take bold action to tackle U.S. and Chinese protectionism, and be vigilant of the geopolitical threats from authoritarian regimes or face the death of Europe as a real possibility..."  More at Euronews ➜ 

"For the Kansas City Chiefs brass, it must have seemed like the perfect time to ask local voters to cough up some money for stadium renovations.....The team was riding high from a big Super Bowl win in February 2024, its third NFL championship in the past five years."  More at The Conversation ➜

"Saudi Arabia has been chosen as the chair of the UN commission that is supposed to promote gender equality and empower women around the world, after an unopposed bid for leadership condemned by human rights groups because of the kingdom’s “abysmal” record on women’s rights." Read More at The Guardian ➜