If you do not have health insurance, there is still time to sign up for coverage. Open enrollment ends on February 15, 2015.
If you need assistance, I can help you find a plan to meet your needs and get enrolled, either on the Washington State Exchange or directly with a health insurance company.
Important information you should know about the income tax penalty:
If you don’t have coverage in 2015, you’ll pay the higher of these two amounts:
•2% of your yearly household income. (Only the amount of income above the tax filing threshold, about $10,000 for an individual, is used to calculate the penalty.) The maximum penalty is the national average premium for a bronze plan.
•$325 per person for the year ($162.50 per child under 18). The maximum penalty per family using this method is $975.
If you have questions or would like assistance, please call Loy Suderman at (206)569-5415.