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¿Iglesia? ¿Church?

Ciudad de Granada, Nicaragua. Haciendo un recorrido sobre esta hermosa ciudad, me encontré con una figura mental, que me hizo temblar de tristeza. Como podrán observar hay una anciana vagabunda fuera de una de las Iglesias mas concurridas de la ciudad. Y me paré a pensar un momento: ¿Realmente las iglesias están cumpliendo su llamado? ¿Cuál es nuestro prójimo? ¿Quien es el necesitado? Cada año vemos en las iglesias como se llena de gente falsa, sin voluntad de servir, sin visión, gente sin un llamado. Pastores, sacerdotes etc., se llenan los bolsillos mientras hay gente afuera necesitando aunque sea una ración de comida por día.

Hago un llamado para que se nos dé la oportunidad de ayudar a aquel que necesite, quizás no con el montón porque cada quien lucha por sobrevivir, pero ¿por ayudar al que no puede? Ayuda con lo que puedas, sea por poco o por mucho.

Deja tu comentario u opinión. Muchas gracias.
City of Granada, Nicaragua. Taking a tour of this beautiful city, I found a mental figure, which made me tremble with sadness. As you can see, there is an elderly tramp outside of one of the busiest churches in the city. And I stopped to think for a moment: Are the churches really fulfilling their call? What is our neighbor? Who is the needy? Every year we see in the churches how it fills with false people, with no will to serve, no vision, people without a calling. Pastors, priests etc., fill their pockets while there are people outside needing even one serving of food per day.

I make a call to be given the opportunity to help those who need, perhaps not with the pile because each one struggles to survive, but to help those who can not? Help with what you can, be it by little or by much.

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A Comment by Cooking Recipes from Around the World

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Cooking Recipes from Around the World • 02/03/2018 at 06:31PM • Like 2

institutions have a group mentality and are mostly accountable only to themselves which means nothing. In my opinion, it is up to each one of us, as individuals, to take the initiative and the action we think is appropriate. Something good may come of it and maybe our actions will inspire others. I hope someone helped that poor woman in her moment of need.

A Comment by Curiosidades Foto Charlie - Nic.

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Curiosidades Foto Charlie - Nic. • 02/05/2018 at 02:05PM • Like 1 Profile

You are very right. Thanks for your comment

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