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It doesn’t matter how you slice it, sick kiddos are tough. And the younger your child is, the harder it is.

The first time my daughter came down with a cold, I thought I was going to lose it. She was extremely cranky. She only wanted to sleep in my arms. Trying to suck the snot out of her nose was like a wrestling match. And to make matters worse, both my husband and I got sick.

It’s important to remember every kid is unique. What works for us may not work for you. And what works right now might not work two days, two months or two years from now. Kids are infuriatingly unpredictable like that.

But, we've cobbled together some tools and tips that have really helped us. Hope they work for you too!

But thanks to the incredible, scientific development of options like Darigold FIT, making the best choice for his health doesn’t always mean skipping what he wants. Nor does it mean sacrificing flavor.

What's it like to lose 200 pounds at home and completely change your life? This most recent post features a Q&A with Shandon Smith. It explores Shandon’s decision to have surgery, her experience, the ways she’s made sustainable changes, and the surprising non-scale-victories she’s experienced.

I'm incredibly humbled to have been included in this series on Honest Chatter.

I'd been following Melody on Instagram for some time before we finally met at an event. She's as beautiful on the inside as she is in her photos.

To be surrounded by people like this fills my heart with such joy.

I'm so blessed to be surrounded by such an amazing tribe!

This list is comprised of gifts other new moms and I received that made those first few months so much better. Some gifts are more expensive than others. Others require nothing more than time. And, there are those gifts which new moms have given themselves.

But, each one means the world.

At 1:30 AM on November 20th, I stood in a puddle, not quite sure if I’d peed myself or my water broke. The nurse on Overlake Hospital’s Labor & Delivery line had me lean forward a cough. The puddle grew bigger. It was go-time.

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A Comment by Carl

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Carl • 12/04/2019 at 06:34PM • Like Profile

Congratulations Mikaela and thank you for sharing Penellope Marie's birth story.

I get it. Starbucks is a big-box chain. There’s one on every corner. They aren’t ‘unique.’ Howard Shultz let the Sonics leave Seattle.

I understand all the arguments against Starbucks. And, I love me some mom-and-pop local shopping.

But here’s the deal — I also really like Starbucks. Sure, I’m not going get some ultra-inspiring experience at the green mermaid. But it offers a few things that make it invaluable in my world.

1. Free Internet
2. Consistency
3. Holiday Panini
4. Mobile Office
5. Free (or Cheap) Refills
6. Rewards Program
7. Dog-Friendly

Which Starbucks do I like the absolute best? The on Lake Union! Follow the link in my profile to find out why.

Are you a fellow Starbucks lover? What would you add to my list?

Who inspires you?

I'm lucky enough to have quite a few amazing people in my life, not the least of whom is Chelsea Farmer. Her raw honesty and perseverance are a constant motivation to be the best version of myself.

Lady, you're a boss 👏 👏 👏

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