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"I live near Seattle and for the first time since 1924, Seattle has an NHL franchise. Now hockey is the sport everyone here is talking about. The team is called the Seattle Kraken.If you’re like most hockey fans, you probably have many questions" Read more

"… is something I know nothing about. Nevertheless, I can’t count the number of times people come up to me on the street, at the unemployment office or in the women’s locker room at my gym and ask me about my column. Why just last week, there must have been almost two people who approached me..... Continue reading

Rachel Louise Carson (1907 - 1964) was an American scientist, writer, ecologist and conservationist. Her book, Silent Spring and other writings are credited with advancing the global environmental movement.

Stay connected and informed about community Matters of potential interest such as neighborhood safety, new or proposed Government actions or regulations. Lost a pet? Do you have Photos or memories of Camano Island to share? -

Help support our local businesses by providing them with feedback of your customer experiences so they may continue to grow and prosper. Please keep this local blog clean and respectful. Every one is welcome!

When I was in my forties, I routinely worked 55-hour weeks (commuting an hour each way), taxied my kids to soccer practices and dance recitals, mowed the yard, paid the bills, and worked out five nights a week (some things are sacred). I knew exactly where my day had to go, and I made sure it went there....Continue reading

A Comment by Loy

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Loy • 10/22/2020 at 12:22AM • Like Profile

Laughter is good for the soul. Good article—made me laugh 😂 🤣

I feel bad. Earlier today, I did something very hurtful – and to my own daughter, no less. I sent her a terribly insensitive text. What was the hostile, insulting thing I wrote? “Hope you’re doing well. Would love to see you sometime soon.” ......... Continue reading