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An aged, old story,
We hear over again.
Why can life become cruel
And bitter when?

When you are alone, many thoughts
of loneliness will enter your mind.
Talk about it with your friends and family.

Memories are pushing out,
from my brain.
Memories of love
and an occasional disdain.

No one prepares you
of the loss of a life.
In my case, it was,
the loss of my wife.

Ive been told to feel lucky,
in this play, life,
for all of the time,
I spent with my wife.

While the information is true,
except for the rest of your life,
please understand, your loss,
cuts like a sharp knife.

Please spare me the platitudes,
they don't help my wife,
and certainly do nothing,
reduce my sadness and strife.

When this life is over,
it will never be,
for I've lost her,
for an eternity.

Words become a topic,
when used to describe,
a collection of words,
into a finished document.
This was what I was trying to
convey in this December 2020 writing,

Many, many years ago,
Twas when I went to sea,
when I enlisted in the
United States Navy.

Nineteen years of age,
still wet behind the ears.
Away from home, first time,
battling youthful fears.

Stationed in San Diego,
aboard a Destroyer Escort, DE.
Chipping paint and repainting,
then I went to sea.

Many years have gone by
and if the need was as then,
I would re-enlist,
once more, once again.

A memory of a past writing,
which brings me pleasure.
I hope you enjoy.

I have found, living together
and now apart,
has become a sad place,
full of sorrow and a broken heart.

It encompasses most of the residents.
The sense of sadness, now,
of life's losses and
more broken hearts, lost vow.

So many stories exist,
in this aging residence,
of illness and lost life,
a memory, a remembrance.